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> 去北京日记怎么写


1. 帮我写一篇去北京旅游的日记,快点

第一天到北京: 刚到北京,风尘仆仆,先不要急着休息:乘坐特1路或者特4路双层观光巴士(或者直接打一辆的士),在长安街走一个来回,就是从国贸(大北窑)到军事博物馆这一段,9点半之前都能看到长安街的夜景,包括亮灯的天安门和人民广场,有助于给你留下美好的首都第一印象; 如果是打车的话,建议各位再去看看亮灯后的故宫后门,非常美,有一种难以言状的神秘感 在北京的前几天:建议趁精力好,把故宫、长城等需要大量行走的景点先看了; 故宫---天安门路线;(行程需要一天) **纪念堂:开放时间:8:00--11:30;13:30--16:40(周一、三、五下午及周日休息);要排长队,必须提前去广场东边的马路对面寄存随身小包(建议别带包了); 人民大会堂:开放时间:8:00----11:30;14:00----17:00; 故宫:一定记得要去故宫内东北角的珍宝馆,找不到就多问问,很多人都错过了;其他收藏馆基本没什么好看的; 景山:建议别去了,就算去也别爬山,后几天要走的地方多着呢; 中午吃饭:建议带面包; 长城路线;(行程需要一天) 去前门坐游1路最保险(做地铁从前门站东北出口出来),10点半前都有车,50块来回,车上还有导游;其他公交车站的什么游*路站牌90%都是骗人的,不要冒险; 居庸关:体力好的可以爬一爬,不过完全是锻炼身体,上面没什么景色; 八达岭:建议爬到“不到长城非好汉”的石碑照相后,坐滑道下来,省力也好玩; 十三陵:没什么印象;有空就顺着看看吧; 中午吃饭:还是建议带面包; 特别提示:如果是回前门,建议提前预定前门的全聚德总店,晚上回到前门就可以去吃烤鸭;不过这里的鸭子很贵,想吃烤鸭的建议去吃 鸭王; 其他景点: 雍和宫:皇家佛教胜地;气场很好,可以去看看,买几件开光的饰物; 香山:秋天可以去看看,爬爬山锻炼锻炼; 世纪坛:有空经过看两眼外观就好了,里面什么都没有; 鼓楼:夜晚的鼓楼很沧桑,“北京一夜”里唱的“走在地安门外,没有人不动真情”就是这里;坐在鼓楼后的空地上,也许你有很多感触; 购物: 前门:前门大珊栏是北京最早的步行街;可以去观光看看,但没有东西好买; 王府井;去王府井可以去吃吃小吃一条街,不过建议别去,不好吃,根本没有北京风味;商场推荐去新东安看看,特别是新东安商场地下的老字号一条街,去那里买双同升和的步鞋送人吧,开车穿特别舒服; 西单:去西单,重点就是中友百货和后面的韩国城(华威大厦楼上);另外,买食品特产在西单也比较合适; 万通:位于西二环阜成门地铁站的西南出口;是北京市内比较大的小商品市场,给朋友买小礼物来这里很合适,什么东东都有,照1/3砍价; 秀水街:位于东长安街的永安里地铁站北出口;买衣服的地方,不过个人觉得没什么好看的,都是宰老外的地方;还不如去东四(东单向北);总之北京就是一个不太适合买衣服的地方; 太平洋百货和王府井东方新天地:北京白领比较多去的地方,东西不错但价格高,酌情考虑吧; 吃:年轻人来北京不推荐去老字号,都是又贵又不好吃; 鸭王:做烤鸭的,肥而不腻,很多家分店;比全聚德便宜,但比全聚德好吃;人均80左右 茶马古道:后海荷花市场代表餐厅,招牌菜是过桥炉鱼;人均80左右 岳麓山屋:也是后海荷花市场代表餐厅,招牌菜是酱椒鱼头;人均80左右 阿兰菜馆:天坛南门往东,清真菜的代表地方;人均40左右 老北京炸酱面:多家分店,汇总了北京比较出名的老牌小吃;推荐炸酱面、爆肚和卤煮;要吃北京小吃还可以去隆福寺小吃店;个人觉得尝一尝知道什么味道就行了,不用专门找老字号;人均15左右; 东直门鬼街:通宵的吃饭一条街;最出名的是小龙虾(推荐胡大饭馆和通乐酒家)和涮肉(推荐金簋酒家和鸡堡之家);人均50左右 沸腾鱼香:多家分店;不是四川来的游客可以去吃吃那里的水煮鱼;不过听说重庆饭店的红京鱼更好吃;人均50左右 红玫瑰:新疆菜,在工人体育场北门对面的胡同里,有疯狂的新疆歌舞表演,新疆菜味道不错,价格也挺高;(北京有很多省市驻北京办事处,那些地方做的地方菜都比较地道,比如四川驻京办什么的,有空的话可以去找找);人均80左右 一千零一夜:阿拉伯菜,工体北路太平洋百货对面;靠近使馆区,地道;(北京使馆区附近有很多地道的外国菜,主要针对使馆老外的,时间充足的可以去掏掏),人均100左右 酷系列:北京有几家酷系列餐厅,比如吃东南亚菜的粉酷(二楼地板是透明的),吃各种面食的面酷,吃西餐晚上变成酒吧的藏酷,还有布置的好象牢房一样有很多广告人去的禅酷; 烤肉季:在后海银锭桥边,吃北方烤肉的地方;人均80左右 秋栗香:不是吃饭的,是一个卖板栗的小店,在地安门大街路口的西南角(也就是后海的对面,北海公园北门朝东走200米),很多人排队买这里的板栗,很好吃; 酒吧夜店: 北京酒吧特别多,有特色的也很多,有很多专门的介绍,这里就只选取几个有特色的吧; 三里屯:老牌的酒吧街,老外比较多,可以去看看。


都是很吵的酒吧,推荐男孩女孩、兰桂坊、SWING和52号这四家; 后海酒吧街:现在人最多的夜店集中地,一定要去。

2. 去北京旅游日记300字


3. 请写一篇去北京旅游的日记 60词左右 符合初二写的技术

你好: 很乐意帮助你!

In my vocation ,I had a trip to Beijing.Beijing is the capital of China. It's a big city. I am very familiar with Beijing.It takes an hour and forty minutes from my home town to Beijing by plane. There are many tallbuildings in Beijing.It's a modern city. My family visited the Great Wall, the SummerPalace, the Palace Museum, the BeihaiPark, the Space Museum,etc. I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting. I went shopping inWangFuJing. I bought lots of souvenirs and other things. I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious. Don't miss the Beijing Duck. It is really nice.


4. 去北京的英语日记怎么写呀

北京之旅(The Trip to Beijing)-记一次到北京的旅行I used to think Beijing must be a grand and special city, given that it was thecapital of China, and lots of events I have heard took place there. But soon after I got off the plane, I knew all was but my illusion. If I had to use one wordto describe it, nothing but “grey” will fulfil the task. As far as your eyescould see, all was covered in dust and haunted by air pollution.Though it was the first time I had been to the North part of China, I was stillsurprised by the sharp contrast between the South and North. It wasn't hearsay.Plane shortened the distance and time between two places, and made the difference of Shanghai and Beijing even more obvious. My friend had been to Beijing before, still, he was amazed after the four-day trip.When he first landed in Beijing, the first impression this city left on him wasits greyness. What followed after it was the coal smell. He had told me more than once that in his mind the smell of coal there after was associated with this whole country , especially the North part . I didn't smell the coal. But when I 本文由英语作文网收集整理walked on the small lanes interspersed almost at every part of this city, I sawa life style that was, in a way, similar to the time when people used coal homein winter.I know that if you want to know one city, you have to walk in it, and dodge those fake touristy places. So I did. Then I saw under blocks and blocks of roof howpeople live. Those numerous lanes, where tourists can't reach, told you the essence and difference, if any, of life in this city from others. I saw the old chatting away in front of their weather-beaten gate; I heard the young, riding ontheir bicycle or scampering around on the narrow alleys, talked and laughed in the twilight; and I smelled the stinky smell from public toilets which you may see everywhere.Then talking here, would you think that Beijing had left on me nothing but negative impression? That wasn't the case. Despite its drabness and dust, there wassomething that stroked me and somewhat even made me envy. For example, I envied整理收集:英语作文网its broad streets near Tiananmen Square. It was so broad, long, and indifferent,that a nameless respect and awe arose in my heart. I knew that people change, but the road would remain the same.There were many aspects of Beijing that stoke, and even amazed me. Like when I sat on the shabby subway with my friend, I felt as if I was in a dream. I had never seen subway trains as this old and slow. Even the broadcast voice seemed unreal. But then ever since I arrived in Beijing, I often had the unreal feeling. Having dinner outdoors with lots of foreign tourists, sleeping in the hotel molested by mosquitoes and fainting noise from people's houses, walking on Changan Street three o'clock in the morning, and climbing on the South part of the GreatWall to watch how packed with people the North part was. All this reminded me that I was on the way, that I was far away from where I was from. But I guess maybe this was exactly why people crave from travelling: What will happen is unexpected, so the journey is full of surprise and adventure.介绍北京的(Beijing)As the capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing is the nation's political, economic, cultural and educational center as well as being the most important center in China for international trade and communications. It has been the heart and soul of politics and society throughout its long history. By the time of the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC), it was serving as the capital of the Yan Kingdom. Because of its role in the life and growth of China, there is an unequalled wealth available for travelers to discover as you explore Beijing's ancient past and enjoy its exciting 21st Century world. In 2008 when Beijing hosts the Olympic Games, Beijing will show the world something so special that everyone will be awestruck by Beijing's latest accomplishments combined with its ancient history.。

5. 我来到北京作文四百字






6. 好想去北京作文200






7. 帮我写2篇关于去北京旅游的英语日记

北京之旅(The Trip to Beijing)-记一次到北京的旅行I used to think Beijing must be a grand and special city, given that it was the capital of China, and lots of events I have heard took place there. But soon after I got off the plane, I knew all was but my illusion. If I had to use one wordto describe it, nothing but “grey” will fulfil the task. As far as your eyes could see, all was covered in dust and haunted by air pollution. Though it was the first time I had been to the North part of China, I was still surprised by the sharp contrast between the South and North. It wasn't hearsay. Plane shortened the distance and time between two places, and made the difference of Shanghai and Beijing even more obvious. My friend had been to Beijing before, still, he was amazed after the four-day trip. When he first landed in Beijing, the first impression this city left on him was its greyness. What followed after it was the coal smell. He had told me more than once that in his mind the smell of coal there after was associated with this whole country , especially the North part . I didn't smell the coal. But when I 本文由英语作文网收集整理 walked on the small lanes interspersed almost at every part of this city, I saw a life style that was, in a way, similar to the time when people used coal home in winter. I know that if you want to know one city, you have to walk in it, and dodge those fake touristy places. So I did. Then I saw under blocks and blocks of roof howpeople live. Those numerous lanes, where tourists can't reach, told you the essence and difference, if any, of life in this city from others. I saw the old chatting away in front of their weather-beaten gate; I heard the young, riding on their bicycle or scampering around on the narrow alleys, talked and laughed in the twilight; and I smelled the stinky smell from public toilets which you may see everywhere. Then talking here, would you think that Beijing had left on me nothing but negative impression? That wasn't the case. Despite its drabness and dust, there was something that stroked me and somewhat even made me envy. For example, I envied 整理收集:英语作文网its broad streets near Tiananmen Square. It was so broad, long, and indifferent, that a nameless respect and awe arose in my heart. I knew that people change, but the road would remain the same. There were many aspects of Beijing that stoke, and even amazed me. Like when I sat on the shabby subway with my friend, I felt as if I was in a dream. I had never seen subway trains as this old and slow. Even the broadcast voice seemed unreal. But then ever since I arrived in Beijing, I often had the unreal feeling. Having dinner outdoors with lots of foreign tourists, sleeping in the hotel molested by mosquitoes and fainting noise from people's houses, walking on Changan Street three o'clock in the morning, and climbing on the South part of the GreatWall to watch how packed with people the North part was. All this reminded me that I was on the way, that I was far away from where I was from. But I guess maybe this was exactly why people crave from travelling: What will happen is unexpected, so the journey is full of surprise and adventure. 介绍北京的(Beijing)As the capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing is the nation's political, economic, cultural and educational center as well as being the most important center in China for international trade and communications. It has been the heart and soul of politics and society throughout its long history. By the time of the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC), it was serving as the capital of the Yan Kingdom. Because of its role in the life and growth of China, there is an unequalled wealth available for travelers to discover as you explore Beijing's ancient past and enjoy its exciting 21st Century world. In 2008 when Beijing hosts the Olympic Games, Beijing will show the world something so special that everyone will be awestruck by Beijing's latest accomplishments combined with its ancient history.。

标签: 北京
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