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> 狼图腾蒙语怎么写 蒙语里狼怎么说,蒙古人真有狼图腾吗

狼图腾蒙语怎么写 蒙语里狼怎么说,蒙古人真有狼图腾吗


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狼图腾蒙语怎么写 蒙语里狼怎么说,蒙古人真有狼图腾吗




德国:非物质文化遗产LIEBE dich 法国:.济taime /济tadore 希腊:Sagapo 犹太语:安仁OHEV OTACH(男* **男),安仁ohevet otcha(男* **男)匈牙利:Szeretlek 爱尔兰:TAIM INGRA真皮休闲爱沙尼亚:米娜armastan信德芬兰:最小rakastan sinua 比利时佛兰芒语:IK zieügraag 意大利语:TI AMO,TI vogliobene 拉丁文:特AMO,AMO沃斯拉脱维亚:ES tevi麋鹿里斯本:行话gramo德积屑瘤,chavalinha 立陶宛:TAVE Myliu 马其顿:特sakam 马耳他Inhobbok 波兰:Kocham Cie公司,贾CIE kocham 葡萄牙:Eu的AMO-TE 罗马尼亚:特IU BESC,特ADOR 荷兰:IK侯范洲详细翻译:我爱你捷克:Miluji TE 丹麦: JEG elsker挖阿尔萨斯:非物质文化遗产的还dich齿轮亚美尼亚:是的克孜Seeroom YEM 巴伐利亚我MOG迪narrisch胚芽保加利亚:AHS TE obicham >>西班牙加泰罗尼亚语:Testim 克罗地亚:Volim TE 里人边境的语言:男性安瑟尼serivem 孟加拉国:阿美tomay bhalobashi 缅甸:捷德每年柬埔寨:奉SALANG渔隐菲律宾:泰姬陵北,Iniibig北印度古吉拉特语:勋塔内PREM卡伦chuun 印地文:主要tumse PYAR显示地图勋印尼:萨哈河kasih saudari 日本:基米AI **** ERU // Sukiyo 韩国:Tangshin-I町一球爪哇:AKU tresno马江sliromu 老挝科伊HUK洲马来语:萨亚辛塔穆新加坡马来西亚:沙耶Cintamu 蒙古:双向chamd hairtai 尼泊尔:马tumilai玛雅garchu,马timilai人parauchu 波斯语:虎竟达拉姆他加禄语:泰姬陵北南非荷兰语:EK HET洲那等于EK是那等于维尔洲加纳:我做窝埃塞俄比亚阿姆哈雷地区:东北偏东ewedechalu(女士)烯ewedehalwe(男子)阿拉伯语:安娜Ahebak(一男)阿拉伯语安娜ahebek(以女性)瑞士德语:非物质文化遗产立B Dich BR>克里奥尔语:周一kontan欧豪萨语:伊奈sonki 肯尼亚班图:Nigwedete 马达加斯加:tiako ianao 阿萨姆语:莫伊tomak bhal保罗泰米尔人南亚语言:泰米尔语南unnaik kathalikkinren 印度泰卢固语:Neenu ninnu pramistunnanu 泰国泰爱泰陈坤乌尔都语:拜见tumhay PYAR卡尔提勋(女子MAN)拜见tumhay PYAR显示地图勋(男人对女人)越南:EM YEU ANH(女子MAN)映俞EM(男人对女人)新西兰毛利人语言:起亚hoahai 爱斯基摩:Nagligivaget 格陵兰:Asavakit 冰岛:如elska TIG BR>阿尔巴尼亚:T已杜阿Shume - 俄罗斯:雅输精管Iyublyu,雅胫骨Lyublyu 塞尔维亚Volim特斯洛文尼亚:Ljubim TE 西班牙:特AMO,Tequiero 瑞典:捷豹lskar挖土耳其:安瑟尼seviyorum 乌克兰:JA输精管kokhaju 威尔士:Rwyn DY嘎迪亚述:ANA bayanookh(女性对男性) ANA bayinakh(男女)高加索切尔克斯语:聪明中科院中国:我爱你。


Finishing reading the novel named Wolf Totem, I got some kind of uneasiness. Perhaps it was only in a kink of my nature, strong in me even in those days. I just couldn't help writing something for the wolf and the pasture which had vanished at the end of the novel, vanished from reality. At first, I started to read this novel printed in English to improve my English. But once I began, I found that I quickly lost myself into the primitive grassland described by the educated youth sent to Inner Mongolia. On this grassland, wolves, marmots, rabbits, flocks, herders and even mosquitoes live together as a whole. It seems that only the wolf and the herder are at the reverence of Tengger among these creatures. They all worship their great mother: the land, who gives them water, food and the most important—the living land. The Mongolian grassland wolf is smart, strong and ferocious. They can make an outstanding trap for their pray, using excellent strategies Tengger granted them. They eat gazelles, marmots and also the flocks herded by the people to fill their bellies. Another purpose of their pray is to protect the grassland from eating up by vegetarians. On the other hand, the herders who also live on this land for thousands of years make the good use of their talent and experience to trap the Mogollon wolves. The herders remove the pelts from the wolves' bodies to sell. But they will never eat the wolves' meat. In respect of Tengger, the carcass of the dead herder will be taken to the sky—burial ground and stay for some days until the wolf eat up all his body includes the meat, the bone and even the hair. When nothing left on that ground, it means the soul of that man has been sent to Tengger. Traveling in this novel, I often feel that I'm really riding a Mongolia horse on the broad grassland. I can smell the fragrance sent out by the earth and the grass. I trap the marmot, enjoy the butter tea, fight against the pack of wolves, and look up into the clear sky to revere Tengger greatly. It's a tragedy for the wolf, the herder and the country to witness the complete process, a process how a lush pastureland full of vigorous lives changed into a sandy land. I feel the pangs of heart as the writer did when the tragedy came into reality. And the dead of that “Little Wolf” raised by Chen Zhen also broke my heart. I love the wolf deeply. Chen raised it using a chain to limit its range of activity. But the wolf never gave up the attempt to roam the vast grassland freely. The wolf gradually became mature and strong as the hours passed by. He never stopped trying. The cub's temperament eventually sealed his fate. On a windless, moonless dark night when the dogs did not bark and the stars did not shine, Little Wolf died. Because the injury the wolf got after his suicide struggle for free was too terrible to cure, Chen ended his life with a spade. The cub didn't make a sound as he slumped to the ground, a true Mongolian grassland wolf till the very end. After 30 years, when Chen Zhen came to the Olonbulag, to the cave where he caught the cub and his brothers, he yelled into the cave “Little Wolf, Little Wolf, time to eat.” No answer but whispers of a breath of dry wind. The admirable, lovely, and pitiable Little Wolf won't run to him joyfully, wrapping his legs around Chen's, rubbing up against his knees and licking his hands and chin. Perhaps the dead of Little Wolf was related to its own stubbornness, Chen Zhen or the “farmers”。

However it did die. “Little Wolf, Little Wolf, time to eat” I have my face covered with tears. A deep sorrow rouses in my heart. As Chen said that the ancient cave of the wolf cub would be buried in yellow sand one day, but Little Wolf will live in my mind forever. And I will not forget that old man I admire so much. As one of the leaders on the Olonbulag, Billgee is venerable and wise like a wolf king. Bao Shungui, a chief in the Inner Mongolian Production and Construction Corps I hate very much, always said that Billgee was on the wolf's side. Actually, Billgee was on the grassland's side. Because wolves on the pastureland had the function of controlling the number of vegetarians, which did good for the pastureland in the long run, Bellgee always tried to keep the amount of wolves at an appropriate level. He worshiped the Mongol Wolf. He believed in that the sprit of wolf had helped the Mongols live against the terrible environment on the grassland for thousands of years. As he often said “You Chinese will never understand the Mongolian wolves” we will never know about the wolf as much as him. In fact, he is one of the wolf kings on the vast grassland in my mind, smart and tenacious。.。


Finishing reading the novel named Wolf Totem, I got some kind of uneasiness. Perhaps it was only in a kink of my nature, strong in me even in those days. I just couldn't help writing something for the wolf and the pasture which had vanished at the end of the novel, vanished from reality. At first, I started to read this novel printed in English to improve my English. But once I began, I found that I quickly lost myself into the primitive grassland described by the educated youth sent to Inner Mongolia. On this grassland, wolves, marmots, rabbits, flocks, herders and even mosquitoes live together as a whole. It seems that only the wolf and the herder are at the reverence of Tengger among these creatures. They all worship their great mother: the land, who gives them water, food and the most important—the living land. The Mongolian grassland wolf is smart, strong and ferocious. They can make an outstanding trap for their pray, using excellent strategies Tengger granted them. They eat gazelles, marmots and also the flocks herded by the people to fill their bellies. Another purpose of their pray is to protect the grassland from eating up by vegetarians. On the other hand, the herders who also live on this land for thousands of years make the good use of their talent and experience to trap the Mogollon wolves. The herders remove the pelts from the wolves' bodies to sell. But they will never eat the wolves' meat. In respect of Tengger, the carcass of the dead herder will be taken to the sky—burial ground and stay for some days until the wolf eat up all his body includes the meat, the bone and even the hair. When nothing left on that ground, it means the soul of that man has been sent to Tengger. Traveling in this novel, I often feel that I'm really riding a Mongolia horse on the broad grassland. I can smell the fragrance sent out by the earth and the grass. I trap the marmot, enjoy the butter tea, fight against the pack of wolves, and look up into the clear sky to revere Tengger greatly. It's a tragedy for the wolf, the herder and the country to witness the complete process, a process how a lush pastureland full of vigorous lives changed into a sandy land. I feel the pangs of heart as the writer did when the tragedy came into reality. And the dead of that “Little Wolf” raised by Chen Zhen also broke my heart. I love the wolf deeply. Chen raised it using a chain to limit its range of activity. But the wolf never gave up the attempt to roam the vast grassland freely. The wolf gradually became mature and strong as the hours passed by. He never stopped trying. The cub's temperament eventually sealed his fate. On a windless, moonless dark night when the dogs did not bark and the stars did not shine, Little Wolf died. Because the injury the wolf got after his suicide struggle for free was too terrible to cure, Chen ended his life with a spade. The cub didn't make a sound as he slumped to the ground, a true Mongolian grassland wolf till the very end. After 30 years, when Chen Zhen came to the Olonbulag, to the cave where he caught the cub and his brothers, he yelled into the cave “Little Wolf, Little Wolf, time to eat.” No answer but whispers of a breath of dry wind. The admirable, lovely, and pitiable Little Wolf won't run to him joyfully, wrapping his legs around Chen's, rubbing up against his knees and licking his hands and chin. Perhaps the dead of Little Wolf was related to its own stubbornness, Chen Zhen or the “farmers”。

However it did die. “Little Wolf, Little Wolf, time to eat” I have my face covered with tears. A deep sorrow rouses in my heart. As Chen said that the ancient cave of the wolf cub would be buried in yellow sand one day, but Little Wolf will live in my mind forever. And I will not forget that old man I admire so much. As one of the leaders on the Olonbulag, Billgee is venerable and wise like a wolf king. Bao Shungui, a chief in the Inner Mongolian Production and Construction Corps I hate very much, always said that Billgee was on the wolf's side. Actually, Billgee was on the grassland's side. Because wolves on the pastureland had the function of controlling the number of vegetarians, which did good for the pastureland in the long run, Bellgee always tried to keep the amount of wolves at an appropriate level. He worshiped the Mongol Wolf. He believed in that the sprit of wolf had helped the Mongols live against the terrible environment on the grassland for thousands of years. As he often said “You Chinese will never understand the Mongolian wolves” we will never know about the wolf as much as him. In fact, he is one of the wolf kings on the vast grassland in my mind, smart and tenacious. The ol。



牧归的路上 祥云飘过

























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