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> 丢人英语怎么写 丢人现眼用英语怎么说

丢人英语怎么写 丢人现眼用英语怎么说

1.丢人现眼 用英语怎么说


丢人英语怎么写 丢人现眼用英语怎么说

make a fool of oneself; make a spectacle of oneself

1. 年轻人,坐下安静一会儿;你死前还有大量的机会让自己丢人现眼。

Young man, sit down and keep still; you will have plenty of chances to make a fool of yourself before you die.

2. 照妖镜:看看你这副德性,鬼鬼祟祟丢人现眼披头散发人模狗样,怎么跟我出来闯荡江湖,啊?

Shine on a demon mirror:See your this character, secretive lost face with disheveled hair a person a mold dog kind, how come out to make a living away from home river's lake with me, ?

3. 他们应该容忍了很多类似的情况,而且他们发现剽窃时,试图掩盖,并没有太大的责罚,也许,是不想丢人现眼吧。

They must tolerate a lot of it, and when they detect it, they cover it up without serious punishment, probably because they do not want to lose face.

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